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Title: Nil Admirari no Tenbin - The Forget-Me-Not Sleeping Beauty

Author: Katagiri Yuma, Satoi

Language: Japanese


A long-awaited new story from the 'Nil Admirari' fan-favorite series! Written by the popular illustrator Satoi and the original scenario writer Yuma Katagiri.

On a closed day at a certain library, the protagonist Tsugumi is helping with organizing the library's collection when a large earthquake strikes, causing her to fall from a ladder and lose consciousness. That night, she awakens in her room only to find her memory reverted to her days as a schoolgirl, and she no longer remembers anything about Hayato and the others.

JAN: 9784891994907

Novel: Nil Admirari no Tenbin - The Forget-Me-Not Sleeping Beauty (Otomate Novel) (Japanese) Paperback


GAME Otome PSVita PS Vita PSVGame PSV Otome Otome Game Otome Games PSV Otome Game Japanese Nihil Admirari Nil Admirari Nihil admirari Cold Weighing Scale - Nil Admirari

・Hayato Ozaki (CV: Yuki Kaji)

・Kou Kōgami (CV: Nobuhiko Okamoto)

・Hisui Hoshikawa (CV: Ryota Ohsaka)

・Shougo Ukai (CV: Ryohei Kimura)

・Shikaku Misato (CV: Kenichi Suzumura)

・Rui Sagisawa (CV: Takahiro Sakurai)

・Hitaki Kuze (CV: Ayumu Murase)

・Yudaka Kakure (CV: Hikaru Midorikawa)

95% New Japanese Novel Nil Admirari no Tenbin - The Forget-Me-Not Sleeping Beauty 《ニル・アドミラリの天秤 勿忘草の眠り姫》

SKU: Y0001
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